Saturday, November 12, 2011

111211 bruised reeds - Circumstances

Bruised Reeds 100711

I’m reflecting today (again) on the conflict and distress so many of us experience when we measure our faith against our circumstances.  If bad things are happening then God must be displeased with us.  Folks, that’s a place we have to be very very careful about going.

Has God, can God, does God express His wrath directly and immediately?  Sure, on rare occasions.  How we ever took the few times in thousands of years that God has done this and made the norm is a mystery to me.  Yes, God has and can “punish” folks at any time He sees fit.  But it has to be clear from the biblical record that this is not something usual and certainly not done for capricious reasons.

Can God “punish” an individual or group directly – sure.  Does He?  Well that gets tricky.  We have to keep in mind that in the creation there is such a thing as consequences.  God created the law of gravity.  Jumping from a great height had its consequences.  AND consequences do not just affect the law breaker they affect most of those connected/related to the law breaker.   But if we violate the law of gravity we don’t view the consequences of that sudden deceleration as punishment.

One thing is sure from the biblical record.  When God does punish it is very very clear that He is doing so.  There is little room for question.  Why does he do it when He does it?  For the same reason He does everything He does – so that everyone, especially His, will know that he is the Lord.

John 9 – my favorite story.  Why is the guy born blind?  The assumption is he or his parents are being punished.  The Lord makes it clear that the purpose is so that, “. . . . the works of God might be displayed in him.”    It is not punishment.

Now I know we have to struggle with that and there is nothing wrong with that struggle.  We may even have to struggle long and hard – we may struggle forever.  But we have got to keep the truth in view.  Whether we see it or know, the works of God are displayed through us.

That does not mean we have to put on a happy face.  It does not mean that we can maintain some continuous semblance of gratitude for the privilege.  But unless we hang on to the fact that He is there and he has a purpose we are left without any comfort.

Yeah, most of us want His works to be displayed in us by our winning the lottery, our kids turning out perfect or even just our car starting every morning.  I don’t think that’s abnormal but it is unbalanced and that imbalance is not good for us.

Paul had his “thorn in the flesh,” a “messenger of Satan.”  God sent that to Paul.  Though Paul obviously wrestled with it intensely he also sought God’s purpose for it.  Once Paul found God’s purpose he was able to continue on in his walk – maybe a little slower and certainly a lot less comfortably but he was able to go on.

I know that in the times when I’ve been struggling (once lost 80 pounds in a month and still don’t know what was wrong).  I had to come to the point where I acknowledged that he was in control, that he had a purpose and that I didn’t enjoy it at all.  Joy in trials sounds nutz, it feels nutz and it looks nutz.  But was are called to, “count it all joy.”  Yeah….like that’s gonna happen….

But the key here is not “joy,” it’s “count it.”  the Greek word here is  ἡγέομαι  hēgeomai.  It carries the ideas of :  count, esteem, governor, judge, have the rule over, suppose, think. 

What I think James is telling us is that we need to really examine our circumstances in light of the whole counsel of God.  We need to appreciate and respect our feelings but we also have to think and think biblically.  Not easy when your hair is on fire -!  But that is the way to the joy James speaks of.

Though the word translated “joy” can mean cheerfulness it also describes a “calm delight.”  Now that I can get to calm delight quicker than cheerfulness.  And perhaps, when the circumstances are greatly distressing, calm delight is exactly what we need.  Calm and delight.  It’s a sense – perhaps a confidence that regardless of our circumstances, all is well – really.  NOT OK – NOT FUN but God is still in charge, we are still His.

Just some thoughts . . . . . 

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