Friday, March 23, 2012

Temptation 032112

Wow ! !
“So temptation is like a knife, that may either cut the meat or the throat of a man; it may be his food or his poison, his exercise or his destruction.”  Over Coming Sin and Temptation  by John Owen

Old John didn’t mince words did he?

Temptation:  READ !!
πειρασμοσ peirasmos; from; a putting to proof (by experiment (of good), experience (of evil), solicitation, discipline or provocation); by implication, adversity: — temptation, x try.  
An experiment, attempt, trial, proving trial;  the trial of man's fidelity, integrity, virtue, constancy an enticement to sin, temptation, whether arising from the desires or from the outward circumstances an internal temptation to sin or a mental state, by which we are enticed to sin, or to a lapse from the faith and holiness adversity, affliction, trouble: sent by God and serving to test or prove one's character, faith, holiness temptation ( i. e. trial) of God by men rebellion against God, by which his power and justice are, as it were, put to the proof and challenged to show themselves.

Temptations can come in all kinds of wrappings.  The may be sweet smelling and pretty or they may stink and offend.  Allllllll tooooooo often we think of temptation in sexual terms – which is a shame.  There are more sins than the nasty ones.

I can be tempted to flatter for self-gain.
I can be tempted to defame for self-promotion.
I can be tempted to stand silent for self-protection.
I can be tempted to conform for self-worth.
I can be tempted to do a kindness to expose another’s miserliness.
I can be tempted to do good to obscure my bad acts.

Temptation – is a trial – of my heart, my faithfulness, my maturity.
I sometimes wonder if, when we are tempted, we see it too much a test of our faith as opposed to a test of our general condition “in Christ.”  Many folks seem to approach temptation as a test of whether or not the believe in the Redeemer – and maybe 
sometimes that’s what’s happening.  

But for the most part I find it to be a test of my:
Knowledge – Do I know it’s a test – do I know how to respond?
Understanding  – Are reasons X is a temptation to me clear?
Maturity – Have I so grown in Christ that I see the “fine points” of temptations I used to miss?
Surrender – Where am I on the continuum of “Not I but Christ?”  Depending on all the above I may still need a lot of growing.
Discernment – Hello!!! Am I paying attention?

As a matter of (a Mikey) fact – did you ever stop to think that you can only be “tempted” if you are His?  Is that not GOOD news!  If you aren’t His then it is not a temptation.  Oh, it may be a challenge to cultural and societal expectations for the unbeliever BUT,for the believer, it ain’t no sin!

Now can you see why James says to “count it all joy?”  Temptations/trials demonstrate you are His – they bring assurance.  Failure to resist simply demonstrates that here is a place in your mind, heart and life where you need to grow more in Him. 

It also keeps us looking for His arrival.  Sometimes when I am entering a situation where I know there will be temptation (and these are unavoidable – quit thinking sex) or when a temptation pops up I laugh and pray, “Come quickly Lord!!!!”  It’s just a simple and funny way for me to keep in mind that there will be a day when there won’t be temptation – and OH Boy am I ready.  How about you?

Until them, to make a play on scripture, “Be tempted, and sin not!”  It may not be easy – but is really is that simple!

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