Friday, May 4, 2012


It’s one of those days. . . .
You ever get the sense from circumstances/events that God was in the process of doing something that was good but wasn’t going to be a lot of fun?  You know, a sense of foreboding and doom?  A mountainous dark cloud in which you can see the flashes of lightening as the wind blows hard in your direction?  Ever heard the drumming of hoof beats and been convinced it wasn’t zebras but elephants headed in your direction?
God is good – we, not so much.  We want His will to be done but with as little muss and fuss as is possible.  But sometimes muss and fuss is how He gets it done.
I don’t know about you but for me it’s hard not to think I’m getting smacked instead blessed.  Oh, I know I am blessed but if feels like smack.  Why the muss and fuss – why not the flash of bright lights, the chorus of angels and the sweet calming breeze?  Why not just a flip of a switch and – here’s your sign?
Change is never easy to deal with.  Anticipated – unknown change is terrifying.  I know, perfect love casts out fear – but what does that mean – really?????  I get hit with that often but never get an explanation.  You’re sitting at a coffee shop – a guy walks in and stick a gun in your face – he has a crazy look in his eyes -  -  - perfect love casts out fear – right? 
Frightening things are supposed to be frightening.  God is supposed to – at least on some level – be frightening.  So why not be frightened – or as we say in Georgia, sceart. 
I know that when I drop this material body I will be with Him – I am not afraid of being dead but I do worry about getting there.  I know He will finish His good work in me – but it’s the how that gives me pause.  He finished His good work in Job but it was a rough ride for a while. 
I trust God----but.  It’s not the what I worry about, it’s the how.  Like a lot of you I go about my day to day stuff waiting for that “big break,” that “magic moment,” when all my study and all my work and all my whatever comes to fruition and He acknowledges me – somehow. 
Oh, I know I’m not alone in this.  Walking that “narrow way,” feels like a “narrow ledge,” at times.  Walking by faith is, well, scary.  When  I read of all the “heroes” that walked by faith and I see the trials they went through, well the endings may have been happy but again, the road was rough.
Sure, your prayers are coveted but that’s not the purpose of this.  I just want you who need to know that you are not alone.  You are not unsaved.  You are not unblessed. You are not “weak.”  Actually you’re pretty normal.  It’s a struggle – it’s supposed to be.  The fact that we get anxious is human.  Sure, it’s the flesh screaming and yelling wanting everything to be hunky-dory and nice and fun.  That, if I read Paul rightly, is normal.
So be anxious for nothing – if I can be anxious for “nothing” I will be anxious for much – Yeah, a little tongue in cheek there.
God if faithful – we just have to keep our eyes on the whole point of His faithfulness – the redemption of His creation.  It may be a very bumpy ride and we may shut our eyes, hand on tight and scream on occasion but when the ride is over we’ll be fine.
Until then – we’re in this together – you, me and Him.  So let’s share and pray.  Let’s also encourage one another in truth and not platitudes.  Stuff happens – it’s not fun or pleasant not does it feel good – but!!!  And that’s the but we have to remember.  Paul learned to be content – note, he had to learn it.  Wo do we!  Let’s lift one another up as we learn.
In Him –

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Great post Mike! I needed that reminder. I pray the Lord blesses you & Patti.....