Last words – almost Part 13
Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in
your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge,
and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance,
and in your perseverance, godliness,
and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness,
love. (2Pe 1:5-7) ESV
εὐσέβεια; eusébeia: The
word eusébeia literally means well-directed reverence, but does not imply an
inward, inherent holiness. It is actually an externalized piety. eusébeia, the demonstration of a good and
worshipful attitude toward God when spoken of the Christian, is the proper
attitude of reverence toward God akin to hagiótēs, holiness, sanctity.
A good, well-directed and worshipful attitude toward
God. I like it. It is the external demonstration of the
internal work of the Holy Spirit as it applies to our reverence toward and for
As I read this I am thinking (for some reason) about the
battle between the spirit and the flesh.
I am also strongly reminded of the Master’s statement:
Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe
me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you
worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know,
for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when
the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father
is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him
must worship in spirit and truth."
(Joh 4:21-24)
Two things
jump out at me. Spirit and Truth. Now, only those who have the Spirit can truly
worship God – but do they worship Him in truth.
Now, that’s the chewy part! Which
brings me back to the battle between the flesh and the spirit.
Reverence toward God is not a feeling. OK we talk about “feeling” reverent but it is
really an attitude of the mind that informs the heart and from there behaviors
flow. It is not a feeling that becomes
truth and then we act.
Spirit – makes you alive – you know the truth.
Truth – informs the mind – spirit guides.
Mind informs the heart (affections) and we act depending
upon the Spirit.
I tried to
do a cute graphic but since it was making me more nutz I gave up – any ideas
would be appreciated. I kept coming up
with Celtic knots ;-}.
What I want
you to see is that the Spirit is utterly critical in all of this. To project/live godly lives the Spirit has to
be present. But the Word has to be
present and our minds and hearts have to be engaged by them both.
OK – I don’t
want pick a fight but there are some really ignorant believers out there and in
their ignorance they are very immature.
But, there are some brilliant believers out there but in their failure
to allow their minds (knowledge/Word) to engage/inform their affections they
are differently yet equally immature.
Maybe a
stone arch is a good picture. The key
stone, the very center stone is absolutely essential for the arch’s strength –
you cannot do without it. This is the Spirit. But, all the other stones need to be cut
correctly and placed correctly (think used correctly) or the arch, even with
the key-stone will be all cadiwhompus.
OK- silly
joke – How can a believer walk in The Way if he or she has a falling arch? ;-}}}}}
Godliness is
a practice – a studied, learned practice- enlivened, empowered, guided and
sustained by the Holy Spirit and informed or even formed by the Word (truth). Godliness here is the product of disciple
making – of teaching and training – which of course most folks resist.
But the need
for disciple making is not only a command it’s plainly obvious from
nature. You are in a car wreck – you are
in a coma for months. Once you come out
you must relearn a lot of stuff. You
were dead – He made you alive – but you don’t need to be taught or
trained?? Really??? Really???
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