Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Finished - moving on

I shared with you the situation with the local blogger who has decided or at least indicated he believes that I have defrauded (scammed is his word) the people I work for.  It’s a tough thing to be vilified by someone you don’t know, doesn’t know you and makes no attempt to discuss his or her concerns before publicly calling your integrity into question.

But such is life.  He somehow got access to the blog I sent you and attacked what I wrote to you who do know me and my work.  Well, such is life.

He paid particular attention to the statement I made about wanting to “smack” him.  I don’t know how else he expects people to react when first confronted by such an attack but maybe he’s thicker skinned than I am.

However, regardless of my reaction I would never consider a physical attack on him nor would I consider any other attack.

Rather I will and I encourage you to pray for him.  I don’t know him but I do know something about him (or at least this is what I’ve been told about him)>
He is a widower having tragically lost his wife to illness several years ago.  He loved her deeply and the loss is unfathomable.

He is the father of two lovely young women and has raised them as a single dad – something I don’t know I would ever want to tackle.

He, like many of us, struggles to provide for his family.  But I understand he is a loving and caring father who seeks the best for his girls.

He’s a watchdog – he keeps before the public issues which he believes are important.  This can color how others view him but one must follow one’s conscience and so he does.

So please join me in prayer for him, his girls and his ability to provide.  I’d also ask that you pray for his “watchdog” work.  Though, as you have read, he can be a little rough and a little snide none-the less watchdogs are important.  

I don’t know his condition is regards to the Gospel but his comments concerning my faith/ministry would lead me to believe that he does not have a clear understanding of the faith.  That being said we should all pray for him – simply that if he does not now the Lord he will come to and if he does that he will grow in his knowledge and understanding.

Yeah – my “smack” impulse was wrong – but it was there.  It came and went.  Remember that lex talionis is NOT a rule we follow.  Rather we are to pray for those who, for whatever reason, have judged us and act as enemies towards us.  

If, as he alleges, I have done wrong then I will accept the consequences. 
Men and women who take on the role of watchdogs in our culture are rarely regarded well but, no matter how poorly or roughly they do it, we need them.  The danger we need to consider is that if and when we completely dismiss them as having cried “wolf” too often we will not hear them when there really is a wolf.  

May God bless and keep this gentleman and protect and provide for him and his family.

Michael Sanders

Copyright, Michael Sanders,  2012, All rights reserved.

1 comment:

David said...

Well done, brother.