<p>Samuel is now both Prophet and Judge over all Israel. The enemies of Israel attack.<br>
Now for the bad news:
And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God. (Verse 4b)
OK - this can't be a good ting. Two doomed, reprobate and unrepentent Priest accompany the Ark of the Covenant. To me, this adds insult to injury.
Israel remembers the power of the Ark - rather the power of God through the Ark. But I wonder because of the results if it wasn't more a case of, "let's bring the magic box," that a case of depending upon the Lord.
Notice one thing missing? No one thought to seek the Lord - to pray. They get whipped so the pull out the "big gun," but ignore the "big gunner."
The lesson I'm mulling over is the use of godly things while in rebellion against God and without repentant hearts. Does not seen to be a good idea.
Remember that the people as well as the Priests were, to say the least, in a state of, "every man did what was right in his own eyes." Call it rebellion, call it apostact - or just call it sin, they were doing THEIR thing not His.
There is a great lesson for today. As we look in the church in general and more specifically in our country there's a lot of, "every man did what was right in his own eyes," going on. We have "nitch" churches, "nitch services." We want to be relevant and contemporary. Soooo we do what we think is right. We ignore the scriptures and the history of the church and do our own thing.
Now the desire to be, "relevant" is a curious thing. Relevant to what, to who and how? Outside of the sovereignty of God, outside of the context of the Kingship and Kingdom of God one can't get much more UN-relevant tham the gospel. Removed from the context of God's redemptive plan the gospel is just silly. Apart from sin the gospel is nonsensicle. Apart from the judgment and wrath of God, the gospel is UNnecessary. But we continue to take God and make Him palatable to sinful, lost men and women.
Paul was very clear - the gospel is a scandal to the Jews and foolishness to the Greeks. None of our efforts will change that. So we change the gospel. We change it so much that when I'm asked if I am Christian I have to ask the person what they mean. It has gotten so bad - so vague - so corrupted that claiming to be a Christian is pretty much meaningless.
Well, Israel is pretty much in the same state. I'm remind of an old joke where the Lone Ranger and Tonto are trapped by raging Native Americans. The Lond Ranger (Israel) turns to Tonto (the pagan dieties they worshipped) and asks, "What are we gonna do Tonto?" Tonto replies, "What do you mean "we" pail-face?"
Now God was still the God of His people but His people had morphed into NOT His people. They go along doing their thing, ignoring His until the icky hits the oscilating blades --- now they want to be His people.
OK another itch of mine. Quit calling for "America" to pray - the Lord only knows who most of them pray to. If we are His people in America, it starts with us. We need to repent and return. We need to love our neighbor - be the Democrat, gay, illegal, ignortant bigots, violent gang-bangers or rich-powerful jerks.
Until those who are His repent and return to Him and His ways Indiana Jones could find the Ark, bring it here but all it would be is a really pretty box.
Israel learned that the hard way and I'm afraid, having learned nothing g from their lesson - we will go the hard way as well.
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