Monday, January 30, 2012

Don't mess with Jehovah

1 Sam 6 & 7 are an absolute hoot.  Really, you've got to see the humor here.  Yes, it's deadly serious but put yourself in the place of the Philistines.

Israel, depending on the power they believed was inherent in the Ark gets their clock cleaned by the Philistines. 

So the Philistines capture then Ark and set it in the temple of Dagon as a trophy.  Yeah, right.

What follows in this part of the story is, well, hilarious---yes' it's serious too.

THE lesson - false gods can't stand in the presence of the One True God.

But imagine the scene.  They probably made a really big deal of this with all the attending pomp and circumstance.  "Yay Us - Yay Dagon!!"

So the next day they find Dagon lieing flat on his face.  Mmmmmm?  Bet the set guys got burned for that.  Bad workmanship surely.  So they set old Dagon back on his feet and all is well.  Except the next day not only is Dagon face down again but his head and arms are "cut" off.  Note, in that day it was common to cut off the head and hands of a defeated enemy to show utter defeat.

Now I'm wondering.  Is the English translation good here?  Were the head and arms cut or broken?  It would make a difference in the impact of the event.  Young's Literal Version says the head and the palms were cut off and only the "fishy" part was whole.  Illustrations of Dagon depict kind of a mer-dude, half man, half fish.

Oh well,  it appears they didn't get the hint anyway.  

Next come the "tumors."  There is some debate about exactly what these were.  Some suppose (because of the later mention of mice) that it was the bubonic plague.  Others just assume boils.  My favorite is hemroids.  The KJV reads in 1 Sam. 6:9:

9 And it was so, that, after they had carried it about, the hand of the LORD was against the city with a very great destruction: and he smote the men of the city, both small and great, and they had emerods in their secret parts.

OK, a little crude but obviously it got their attention! 

If we assume it was hemroids or perhaps boils/tumors in, "their secret places," it makes sense.  Dagon was a god of fertility -- gottcha!

Well, these guys finally get it and begin to wonder what to do with the Ark.

I love these guys - the big wigs get together in Ashdod and decide to send it to Gath.  Nice guys!  Of course the Gathites assume the Ashdotites are trying to kill them by sending the Ark there so they send it to Ekron.  No way are they gonna keep it!  So they just park it out in a field for several months.  But men are dieing and there's still the "secret parts problem." 

I don't know if God has what we'd call a sense of humor but He's got irony nailed.  Funny may be flippant a term for all this but I have to chuckle.  But, it gets better.

To be continued.  . . .

Note:  Even though Israel was unfaithul and even though the presentation of the Ark did not produce victory God does not forgo dealing with the Philistines for taking the Ark.  Wrong is wrong and God deals with Israel passively by not coming to their aid (as He said He wouldn't) and He eals with the Philistines actively. 

The point goes back to the covenant.  If Israel is unfaithful (as in this case they had been for a while) they are on the curses side of the valley.  This does not mean that the relationship between God and Israel has changed.  They are still "His people," they have simple moved out fro  under His blessings into  the curses that come with unfaithfulness.

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