Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why does it feel like a very bad Monday?

I've started four articles built around the following quote;

"Jesus and His early followers were deeply rooted in the rich Hebraic soil of their ancestors. They thought, taught, and lived out of this soil. God planted Christianity in this soil and we must return to it in order to be biblically nourished."

Each article kind of died on the vine.  

I kept hitting the, "Why bother?" wall.
There is so much wrong with this statement.

I hope you can see it.

It's nice.  It sounds profound.  
But it is so very very wrong in so many ways, on so many levels.

Too many believers are being sucked into this sink-hole.

It's agonizingly painful.

If this is true, why did they reject and kill Him?  Why was Paul commissioned to arrest believers?  Why was Stephen murdered? 

I know - enough - enough - enough.  

You can only scream "Fire!!!" so many times until you have to get out of the building yourself.


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