Wednesday, October 10, 2012

This and That Keeping the Heart 101012

This and That,  Keeping the Heart  101012

Proverbs 4:23
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.    ESV

The MANNER of performing it, is with all diligence.  The Hebrew is very emphatic; keep with all keeping, or, "keep, keep"—set double guards. This vehemence of expression with which the duty is urged, plainly implies how difficult it is to keep our hearts, how  dangerous to neglect them!  John Flavel

Solomon speaks properly enough when he says, "Keep your heart," because the duty is ours, though the power is of God; what power we have depends upon the exciting and assisting strength of Christ. Grace within us is beholden to grace outside us. "Without me you can do nothing." So much for the matter of the duty.  John Flavel

So, the "keeping" of our heart is a duty - but a duty we are ill equipped to perform.  But it is certainly a duty in which we can submit to and beg the power of our Redeemer.  John Flavel

We are not utterly powerless.  We can ask.  We can desire.  We can intend.  We can sumit.  We can seek.  All this we can and should do - but it must be done in His strength for our own is never sufficient.

We talk about all kinds of "spiritual growth" in terms of what "we" should "do."  This is a dagerous way to look at it.  I certainly have learned its dangers in my own life.  The danger of our "doing" is that we can "do" all we want but it take Him and His work to produce what He wants.

All too often, when we start "doing" we begin to think it is something we have to do for Him to like us - much less love us.  We also carry a terrible dread of failure (which we really shud if we're attempting it on our own).  Too often the "doing" leaves Him out and becomes all about us.  And of course at that point we have failed.

There are actions we can take that He will bless - but He keeps the heart.  We can pray, study, seek counsel, read great books, write/journal - there's not much of a limit to the actions we can take - but the "doing" is all of Him.

Phil. 1:6  And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.   ESV

Phil. 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  ESV

1 Thes. 5:23-24  Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.   ESV

Alistair Begg said recently, "The heart of man's condition is the condition of man's heart."  We need to take that personally.  He died to give us new hearts and He sent His Spirit to guide us in taking good care and making good use of them.  That is our starting place.  

A note to my readers - all three of you (?)
I'll be doing some "This and Thats" on keeping the heart in days to come.  Peter's Pen is ongoing but a switch to a new computer by my editor and a restructure of the files is delaying the posting.

Look, I know you're busy people and perhaps being anaonymous is good for you - but some input from you on the blogs would be a real blessing.  Not only that but I'll be more than glad to address any issues you would like me to.

You can email me at  Thanks and God bless you all!

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