Saturday, October 20, 2012


The politician is made of willow; he can side with all parties; his religion is cut according to the fashion of the times; he can bow either to the east or to the west. Zeal for truth is blotted out of the politician's creed.
In short, the politician is like a chameleon, who can change into all colors and be as his company is. He can be either serious or feathery. He can imitate either Cato or Cataline. I grant that Christian prudence is commendable, but the serpent must not devour the dove.  Thomas Watson (2010-04-27). The Duty of Self-Denial (Kindle Locations 156-163).  . Kindle Edition.

Go to the polls and vote – Vote your conscience but examine it first.

I voted – it hurt – but I voted.

Remember that politics is about power – men seek power to fulfill the desires of their hearts.  Power corrupts.  If the heart is already corrupted then corruption is multiplied exponentially 

This is a tough time for believers.  All the political concerns are not germane to our mission ,our duty here.  We are resident aliens – citizens of another Kingdom.  But we have the opportunity to make a statement.

I was recently asked if a believer could make a choice between the lesser of two evils.  My considered response was that if that is the only choice we have, if in not making that choice we fail in our responsibility to others (believers and non-believers) we sin.  Of course I also believe that when it comes to the powers of this world there are no choices except between evils.

Remember though – our God is sovereign – the power and authority of government is on loan from Him.  

Trust Him – cast your vote!

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