Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A fear of fanaticism.

It's hard to say hard things.
How does one cry "Fire!" effectively?
How does one yell, "Duck!" calmly?

When we see someone in what we sense is imminent danger we don't tend to communicate in calm and measured tones.  We want to convey that sense of immediacy, danger, fear, and warning.

Sadly however, it is one thing to cry "Fire!" and quite another to cry "Heresy." or "Blasphemy."  Regardless of the fact that both are intended to warn others of a dangerous circumstance and dire consequences, "Fire!" is much more preferred.  So the next time you think you might have discerned blasphemy or heresy, please, just scream, "Fire!!"

(ESV)Titus 1:9
He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.

 Mmmmmm.  When's the last time anyone heard anyone offer a real rebuke to any of the plethora of teachers who contradict sound doctrine?  Can one persist in contradicting sound doctrine and really claim to be a believer?  If sound doctrine is a line drawn by God what do we call those on the wrong side of that line?

 What are the things one must subscribe to in order to be considered a believer, a sound believer? 

What must one reject and rebuke?  Is the "prosperity gospel" heresy or is it not?  If it is not, what is it?  Is Judaizing right or wrong?  Is it true doctrine or false? 

Where is the line between error and heresy?  Is it only heresy when it's exposed and correction is refused?  Or, is it heresy all along?

Is the one who contradicts sound doctrine a heretic or just, "a brother in error?"  How do you tell?  Where is the line?

Did you ever stop to think that Satan and his friends probably know more scripture and more about God and Christ that we do?  Did you ever stop to wonder what the difference is between the believer's knowing God and the demons knowing God?

Find for me the designation "liberal" in reference to believers anywhere in scripture.  Is who we believe in more important that what we believe?  But if the one we believe in is the one who speaks are we not compelled by the demands of consistency to believe what He said?

As I work through the Prophets study I am heartbroken for Israel.  I see in their story the story of the Church.  I don't believe that the issue was so much that they were infected by the cultures around them but that they did not faithfully attend to the Word of God.  Had they kept their focus, had the center held, the cultures around them would have had less of an impact.

We KNOW the world is passing away.  We KNOW we are citizens of another Kingdom.  But somehow we have lost something - some sense of obligation or gratitude and we spend more time engaging the culture than engaging our Master.  Perhaps we spend too much time invading their turf than cultivating our own.  I don't know - I wish I did.

I read a lot of the old Puritan writings and I find it most painful.  I am drawn to their wholehearted commitment to the faith and yet fear that emulating their passion would make me - well - weird.  They make me uncomfortable.  I am convicted by their zeal and strength and yet I hesitate to follow their lead. 
Personal holiness, mortifying the flesh, rejecting the world and refusing to be of it to the degree I see in them is scary.  I fear being a fanatic and yet being a mere fan is somehow not enough.  I am often tempted to take a stand with them and yet the greatest fear is that I would stand alone or worse, stand rejected by the Church.

 I pray for the courage my convictions demand.  I pray for the faithfulness my fear shows to be missing.  The faith, for me, isn't about what I oppose or reject.  It is about how I am and I am not how and what I want to be.

John Newton said,
“I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am”

He also said:
“When I think of my heart, of the world, of the powers of darkness, what cause of continual fear: I am on an enemy's ground, and cannot move a step but some snare is spread for my feet. But, when I think of the person, grace, power, care, and faithfulness of my Savior, why may I not say, I will trust and not be afraid, for the Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge? I wish to be delivered from anxious and unbelieving fear, which weakens the hands, and disquiets the heart. I wish to increase in a humble jealousy and distrust of myself, and of everything about me."

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