Thursday, April 26, 2012

Loving Jesus 042612

Loving Jesus 042612

I occasionally have folks who are concerned with their love for Jesus.  I have to admit that I too ponder. 
This past Lord’s Day one of our Elders taught and his text reminded me of something it is all to ease to forget.  In John 21:15-17 a tough but wonderful conversation takes place between Jesus and Peter.  Keep in mind that Peter had all too recently denied even knowing Jesus.

Joh 21:15-17  When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Feed my lambs."  (16)  He said to him a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Tend my sheep."  (17)  He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, "Do you love me?" and he said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep.  ESV

In verses 15 and 16 Jesus asks Peter if Peter loves Him to which Peter replies in the affirmative.  But where Jesus uses the word “agape” for love, Peter uses the word “phileo.”  This is an astounding difference.  Jesus asks Peter if he love Him unconditionally.  Peter responds that he loves Jesus with a brotherly love.  The difference is important.

Jesus asks, “Do you love me beyond and irrespective of your circumstance, feelings and fears?”  Peter says, “I have a brotherly human love for you.”  In a sense Peter’s reply is, “No, I don’t,” but instead of a plain no Peter tells Jesus that He loves Him but just not as much as Jesus is asking.

We are commanded to love the Lord with our whole self but we have to accept that we fall far short.  Our love for Him is subject to the “slings and arrows” of life.  It waxes and wanes in circumstances.  It ebbs and flows according to our health and felt needs.  It is a tiny thing compared to what He calls us to.

I was once told, “God is too big to hug.”  The point being that God, whom I cannot fathom nor understand well (yet,) is also beyond my loving well (yet).  So I must accept the inadequacy of my love for Him.  But I also need to understand that my love for Him is from Him.  John tells us:

1Jn 4:19  We love because he first loved us.

That we struggle to love Him as He should be loved is not the point.  The point is that he has given us love for Himself for without His intervention we would never love Him at all.

In verse 17 of John 21 the nail is struck soundly.  Jesus asks Peter a third time if he loves Him but this time Jesus uses the same word for love that peter has used.  Peter’s reply is precious.  He basically tells Jesus that as Jesus knows all things He knows that at least Peter has a brotherly human love for Him.

It is enough.  Without criticism or correction Jesus proceeds with what He wants to tell Peter.  Jesus accepts the love that Peter is confident of and in. 

Know that you do love your Lord.  Know too that it is an imperfect love – a mere acorn possibly a small growing shoot.  But love Him you do and accept it He does with all its waxing and waning, ebbing and flowing. 

Know too that in His time according to His plan you will love Him as he wants and as you want.  For such a love can only come and survive by the will and power of God.

There’s an old song by Pat Terry that helps me:

Holy Father, I’m your child,
The more I love you, the more I smile.
You know I love you, help me to love you more.

Precious Jesus, hold me tight,
The more I see You, the less I fight.
You know I love you, help me to love you more.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Plans ......please pray

FYI – and thanks for reading this………….
Long long ago in a universe far far away (;-} we had a Bible Study lovingly named the , “Yuck It’s Monday Bible Study.”  The purpose of this study was to encourage and help believers come to appreciate the wonder of God’s Word, to learn the fundamentals of the faith and to grow in their obedience to the Lord.
The study was started because of one young lady my wife and I had come to know and love.  She asked that if we started a Bible Study could she come.  Well, she’s done it again.  Having seen God work in and through her over almost two decades we are inclined to believe that God is again using her to lead us.
Soooooo we are praying about starting a Bible Study.  This will not be a smells, bells and spells study.  That is to say we won’t be focused on the “cool” stuff or the latest neat stuff that passes for part of the faith.  What we will be doing is examining the Word of God as a mirror to find ourselves and our individual walk with Him.  This is not about “christian” fads or fashions but about the Christian faith and the Christian’s faithfulness.
Social and cultural issues may arise but this is not to be an “Us and Them,” study.  It is to be a “Me and Him” study.  We will study doctrine and scripture in light of the battle we are called to fight.  This is not a battle with the World nor the Devil but the one battle we are commissioned to fight, the battle between the Spirit and the Flesh.
It’s too easy and futile to fight the World and the Devil and even easier to ignore the battle that rages within.  But this latter fight is the right fight, the critical fight.
I can’t tell you if you should consider attending.  But I can tell you who shouldn’t:
2Ti 4:3-4  For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,  (4)  and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
  1. That this is permissible in His will.
  2. That we will find the folks He desires to have come (or they will find us).
  3. That we will find a place to meet.
  4. That He will continue to provide for Patti and I materially.  Patti will continue to work as a Legal Assistant and I will continue to work as a Consultant and Counselor but this new work will bring new $ demands and take away from the time I will have for clients.  We have no plans to do the tax exempt thing at this time.  It is costly to achieve and costly to maintain.  We are praying that the folks who come and even those who can’t but want to help, will do so anyway.  ;-}  Cash is nice but helping me get clients for consulting and counseling will achieve the same end.  I really don’t want to ever give up being a “tent-maker” unless the Lord makes it very clear.
  5. Pray for accountability.  Patti and I are members of Covenant Fellowship Presbyterian Church here in Greensboro.  As such we are under the authority of the Session (elders) of this congregation as members.  Though this is good, I wonder if it is sufficient since there is a difference between the nature of the accountability needed as a member and that needed as the leader of a ministry. 
  6. Pray for me.  Teaching and counseling believers is really all I have ever wanted to do.  My ministry has, for the most part, been to folks who for one reason or another either haven’t or can’t find a place in any of the churches they have attended.  I don’t want to start another “church institution.”  I firmly believe that where-ever believers gather, there you have a church gathering.  I am firmly committed to the “local congregation” and am convinced we all need to have a “church home.”  Though I know for some the study may be their only fellowship with believers I will encourage everyone attending to find a “church home” – hey you can come with me and Patti.
  7. Pray for me.  As a lot of you know I deal with depression.  Hey, I earned it!  It is often easy for me to get discouraged – oh, I press on but it’s tough.  Just pray I will plant my nose right between the Master’s shoulder blades and focus on following Him.  What I don’t see resulting from my ministry often loom larger than what I can see.
  8. Pray for Patti – if for no other reason than she’s married to me.  But also know that whatever kind of man or teacher or counselor I may be, the Lord has and does use her mightily in my life.  She is indeed the whetstone that keeps me sharp.
 We will have a website (a freebe).  It is .  We’re in the process of getting it up and running.  My email address will be  Patti can be reached at
 Your prayers, suggestions, inspirations, comments, insights and encouragements will certainly be welcome.
 I am considering “ME and HIM” as the name of the study with the motto, “You don’t have to look like the other sheep to be part of the flock, you just have to follow the shepherd!”

God bless you …….

Monday, April 23, 2012

Three Things Part 1 042112

For far too long there has been a troubling lack of any meaningful and systematic catechizing or discipling taking place in the Body of Christ. It once was the case that a new believer would undergo up to a year of teaching and training prior to their baptism and acceptance into the local church as a functioning member. This was not some “initiation” process but, rather, it came from a serious commitment to follow the command found in the Great Commission.
Mat 28:18-20 And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. (19) Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (20) teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

The phrase “go . . . make disciples . . . baptizing . . . teaching . . .,” is all of one cloth. It is a simultaneous and continuous operation.
Indeed, we have gone and certainly, we have baptized but we have failed miserably in making disciples and teaching. The current state of the Body of Christ is all the proof we need. It is clear that the prophesies of wolves, evil men, false teachers and so on have been and are being fulfilled.
Clearly, the Body of Christ has missed the mark and the responsibility lies specifically at the feet of those He called to be pastors and teachers (to include elders). We have either ignored or rebelled against God by both rejecting and misappropriating His gifts.
Eph 4:11-16 And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, (12) to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, (13) until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, (14) so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. (15) Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, (16) from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.

Unless the foundation of salvation is, indeed, that which we do or don’t do, then the discipling/teaching that has taken place in the church is contrary to the Gospel of Grace. Simply take a walk through any Christian book store and look at the discipleship or Christian living sections. Almost without exception, the books are about “doing.” This is contrary to the faith. So, too, are the plethora of classes, seminars and courses offered by well-known yet miss-directed celebrity Christians.

We have sought “right practice,” without establishing a foundation of “right belief.” We have tossed out sound theology and biblical doctrine for a “sound-bite” system of faith. In short, we have been clearly disobedient to the Lord’s commission in both spirit and letter. We have created several generations of handicapped believes and confident pretenders. As a result, the Body of Christ now resembles a mall or private club more than it does the assembly of the redeemed.

In my younger years in the Lord, I used to respond to the question, “Are you a Christian”? with a proud and resounding “Yes!!” I no longer do so. Today, my response, of necessity, is, “What do you mean”? I’ve found a cruelly deficient definition of “Christian” not only among the unredeemed but among the redeemed as well.

This little work is not intended to be definitive – I am a historian, not a theologian. But I hope that from this work, the Holy Spirit will deeply convict the reader to seek to grow in the knowledge of biblical doctrine and even theology. This seeking begins on our knees asking God to not only convict but also commit us to the diligent and proper study of His Word that we might live in this world rightly and soundly, glorifying Him.

Ah, you need a motivator? How about fulfilled prophesy?

2Ti 4:3-4 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, (4) and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

John Owen wrote:
But in general, to be spiritually minded in an eminent degree, they cannot but esteem it a thing excellent and desirable; - but it is for them who are more at leisure than they are; their circumstances and occasions require them to satisfy themselves with an inferior measure.”

To clarify what Owen was saying, most folks won’t take the time or make the effort to do the work needed to have a sound and clear knowledge of the faith. That’s for the paid holy men or folks with nothing better to do.

Owen says of those who fail to put their spiritual (Christian) duties above all others:
And where it is thus, this grace can never thrive or flourish, it can never advance unto any eminent degree.”

We have raised several generations of crippled Christians. Repentance is the only recourse we have to rectify our failure.

Three Things Part 1

When asked to explain my faith, I always begin with the simple statement that as a believer in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Redeemer, I am obligated to three things:

  1. To love God;
  2. To love my neighbor; and
  3. To love those who choose to be and act as an enemy towards me (since I, as His follower, do not have the right to be anyone’s enemy).

Needless to say, this is not at all what they expect. They expect some, “How I came to Jesus,” story or a lot of references to sin and obedience, etc. I sadly fail to meet their expectations.

I always start with loving God. Why? Well, unless they can, at least for the sake of argument, consider that there is a God, what’s the point?

Now – here’s your work:

Write down all you know and understand about God. Please give careful consideration to His sovereignty, justice, holiness, love, hate, goodness, judgment, condemnation, mercy and grace as sub-headings for your work.

I know that God is holy. He said so. But what, pray tell, does that mean?
I know that God is sovereign but what does that sovereignty mean?

Get my drift?

For the redeemed, these are critical issues for growth. For the unredeemed, they are critical questions to consider.

Oh, it’s much more fun to know about spiritual gifts, miraculous probabilities and the neat stories, but without a sound knowledge and understanding of God, His character and attributes, everything else is just stuff.

What do you know and understand of His omniscience, omnipresence, etc.?

Mmmmmm. Ouch?

This is, of course, work that needs to be done. If you don’t ever increase your knowledge and understanding of God, how do you know if you are loving Him or not? Of more concern, how do you know if it’s the God of the scriptures you are loving?

Think about food. Are there foods you “love”? I had several favorite foods until I got to know and understand what was in them. Now I steer clear. I love lobster – then I discovered that they are carrion eaters (eaters of dead stuff like buzzards), no lobster, thank you.

Knowledge and understanding increase our ability to make wise choices. “God is good”! is a correct statement, but unless you understand His goodness, His sovereignty and His holiness, you’re going to have a hard time whenever the compost hits the oscillating blades!

No, I’m not going to admonish you to read your Bible. First, I shouldn’t have to and, second, just reading the scriptures will make your task harder and longer than it needs to be.

There are some excellent works that I would recommend:

Jame Frame:
The Doctrine of God;
The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God;
The Doctrine of the Word of God;
The Doctrine of the Christian Life;
D.A. Carson:
The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God

As well as the works of A.W. Tozer, John Owen, John Newton and for the hearty, the works of B.B. Warfield.

You might also want to get a dictionary of theological terms – there are some weird words out there.

Last, but never least, I suggest you get a copy of the Westminster Confession of Faith with the scripture references. It’s a great concise tool for guided study.

There are other authors I could have mentioned and many more I would warn you against. Please stay out of the “Christian Living” section of your local Bible bookstore. You will never get what you need for a solid and sound foundation there. Oh, you may find some good and neat stuff, but it’s mostly topical and sound-bite stuff – which is fine only if you already have a solid foundation.

Yeah, sounds like I’m promoting seminary doesn’t it? Seminary is fine, if you have the time and the $, but too many sound teachers have written too many sound works for you to have to do that. In retrospect, I believe that the only reason God moved me to go to seminary was so I might discover the wonder of the history of the church (my Master’s degree) and to sit under Dr. Jim North, a most diligent and wonderful church historian who made you feel you knew the people, times, places and events you studied. I learned from him that history is real people with real issues dealing with real events that have a direct bearing on real people and real issues and real events today and tomorrow.

More to come …………………………..

Copyright, Michael Sanders, 2012. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blast from the Past

Nailed to the door . . . .  061011

We know the world is “going to hell in a hand-basket,” so to speak, but what about the “church”?  What’s it going to hell in?

What?  Did he just say the “church” is going to hell?  Well, yes and no.

Any careful reading of scripture makes it very very clear that the “church” - that is the institution that bears that name, is NOT ever going to be healthy until He comes.

The Gospels and the Apostolic Writings all make it very plain that the institution will be rife with tares, and goats, and wolves, false prophets, mean people and satanic servants.  That’s just a fact.  A sad fact - but a fact.

We love to talk about how the “church” has compromised with the world.  So, what’s new?  First Church of Corinth  is not unique. 

Of course the “church” has compromised with the world.  Of course there are tares and goats.  He said there would be.  What’s the big deal?

Too much of our attention today is taken up by, “us and them,” and not enough time is intentionally focused on, “me and Him.”

From Paul the Apostle to Barna’s analytics it is clear that the “church” as an institution has been and  would always be corrupted to one extent of the other.  What do we think the Reformation was all about?  As bad as it was, what was the true purpose of the Inquisition?

OK - rant over.  Point to keep - It is not about US and THEM - the necessary focus must be ME and HIM.

He is the one responsible for the security of the church. We have other things to do in reference to “church.”

Eph. 4:11 And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. 15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.

It’s great to warn and admonish - even to correct and discipline those who may be tares or goats or even wolves but that does not make for what He aims us at in Eph. 4.  There is and always has been only one Lord Protector of the Faith and it wasn’t Oliver Cromwell!..It is Jesus the Messiah our Redeemer.

In my view we make too big a deal and spend too much time looking for the tares (etc.) and not enough time striving to;
equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.

There was a day and there were a people (somewhere there still are) who understood that WE weren’t the point, He was.  They were serious about their faith - both in terms of the truth to be held and the truth to be lived.  They understood the dire necessity of studying the Word and that this was not a, “take the course,” or “:do the work book,” but rather a lifetime duty of every believer.

There are those that are referred to as nominal Christians - that is Christians in name only but the problem with that is - they aren’t Christian.  Why do we play this name game?  Where is the mutual and biblical expectancy that those who claim Christ as Lord will live as Christ is Lord? 

It’s easy to talk about the “church” as something out there.  But the plain fact of the matter is that only those who are slaves to the only Lord are the church.  Yes, there are different levels of maturity but more and more that maturity is measured by time and not by knowledge, understanding and living.  One can be in the “church” all their lives and still not be a believer, much less a slave to Christ.

Paul hit the nail on the head when he says:
1 Corinthians 11:28
Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup.
2 Corinthians 13:5
Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-unless indeed you fail to meet the test!

With these words of admonition why are we so prone to spending time, money and effort determining who is or isn’t the church.  Why are we not focusing on how the world, the flesh and the devil work to get us - individually - to compromise.

Sure, I’m troubled by all the “marketing” junk and “seeker sensitive” garbage not to mention the watering down of God’s holiness the minimization of Christ’s Lordship and the prostituting of Grace.  I do worry about the “church” as a institution.  But we will not stand collectively before Him.  He did not die for an institution and the Spirit is given the the church via each individual not en-mass.

OK - my point is that the corruption of the church as an institution is a wonderfully powerful distraction.  It distracts us - each of us - from our obligation to grow in Him, to serve Him and to serve each other. Why do I need to be consistently told that “they” or “that” is wrong?  What good does that do me?  How does that aid me in being a good a faithful servant?

Yeah, I’m pretty self-focused when it come to following Him.  Sure I want to encourage, admonish, support, even goad my brothers and sisters but when we let ourselves get distracted by the outrageous actions of questionable believers we run the grave dangers of pride and self-complacency.

What I hope and pray consider is taking aserious look at what might be distracting you from your own personal growth in the knowledge and following of Him.  It's just too easy to look at the big picture and stand there like a dear in headlights.  It is through each of us He intendes to work - WE are the church - the church isn't an "it."

It is a biblical principle that is part of the body suffers it all suffers.  if part of the body is weak, it is all weak.  No part is inconsequential of unimportant.  that means YOU and ME individually are primarily responsible for our individual following of Him.  Perhaps, if we took that individual responsibility and applied the fanaticism we apply to "christian causes," the Church would be healthy.


"What we want, if men become Christians at all, is to keep them in a state of mind I call 'Christianity And'.  You know-Christianity and the Crisis, Christianity and the New Psychology, Christianity and the New order, Christianity and Faith Healing, Christianity and Psychical Research, Christianity and Vegetarianism . . .  If they must be Christians let them at least be Christians with a difference.  Substituting for the faith itself some Fashion with a Christian coloring.  Work on their horror of the Same Old Thing."   Screwtape

That, Same Old Thing, is Bible Study, Prayer, Worship, Fellowship, Service.  That same old thing is laboring to grow in His likeness.  In the final analysis it will not be what we stand against nor will it be what we stand for.  In the final analysis is will be Who makes us stand and how faithfully we (you and I) stand.

The world and Me 041920

". . . . for the world is at present in a might hurry, and being inmany places cast off from all foundations of steadiness, it makes the minds of men giddy with its revolutions, or disorderly in the expectation of them."

I think we can all identify with the above author's statement.  We would call it multitasking, information over-load even internet addiction.

What is curiously both comforting and concerning is that these words were penned by John Owen (1616-1683).

It is comforting in that, as Solomon wrote, there is nothing new under the sun.  It is concerning in that things are not getting better as much as they are getting busier.

As we have more we can do it seems we accomplish less.  As we gain access to more information it seems we know less.  For all our technological and other advancements we have lost touch with any "foundations of steadiness" we may have once known.

This is all too sadly the case with the church.

Working with what can best be described as "wild sheep" I am in a constant state of despair over how easily believes are mislead and misdirected by the latest and greatest gimick, gizmo and the gunk that is passed as biblical truth.  The simplicity of the Gospel and the clarity of sound doctrine are no longer enough.  Paul states it well;
2Ti 4:3-4  For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,  (4)  and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

People - believers and pretenders are not only tolerating but clamoring for more and more sensual experience in their walk.  It is not signs and wonders they seek for the most part but a means and opportunity to ignore the battle within - the flesh versus the Spirit.  They seek to have their flesh satisfied by and within the faith - something that cannot be done - ever.

From my observations there are even those who are faithful and sound except that they take great pride in not being worldly.  But their definition of worldly is sadly retarded.  Their pride in their anti this and pro that clearly reveals the remaining strength of their indwelling sin.  Whether they are anti-abortion or pro-life; anti public education or pro home-schooling; anti institutional church or pro home church; it is the pride we carry in this that gives question to our recognition and acceptance of the battle that rages within our souls.

Pride - is a hard thing to sanctified.  It always looks down.  It rarely kneels.  It hinders compassion, kindness and the love of Christ.  All too often i find that what makes me feel good about my walk with Christ contains a least a little of my feeling better than others.  That must not be.  It must be acknowledged and fought, killed even.

I wonder if, at its base, it is a denial or at least a minimizing of the sovereignty of God.  All the "graces" as the Puritans called them are only possible because God is sovereign.  Every good thing in my life (graces), what I think, do, say, etc. is utterly dependent upon the goodness and grace of a sovereign God.

I have to step away from Him if I would stand pridefully about anything in my life.  If every beat of my heart is utterly dependent upon His sovereign will then what of all that heart beat allows me to do, think, feel, know, etc.?

Perhaps we may consider the internet a new rendition of the Tower of Babel.  The speed and breadth with which we can have access to so much has dampened the effect of the confusion of languages.  We are now building an electronic tower with the thought that through it we can reach heaven.
Four hundred years ago John Owen looked at his world and saw ours.  it was not the technology but the cardiology he reflects on.  It was the condition of the hearts of men - believers or not - which he reflects upo

Monday, April 16, 2012

Did Adam sneeze?

My brain is full of sludge -------

Having spent the past (too many) days suffering from allergies I was wondering is Adam (pre-fall) ever sneezed?  I know - weird question.  But is goes to the effects of the fall and the breadth and depth to which sin has corrupted all of creation.

It's awesome how something as needful and simple as pollination can reek havoc on one's body. 

New Earth - No Allergies - Good Deal ;-}

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Good words - tough words

Sometimes you just gotta share:
John Newton wrote:

" I am where he has placed me; and the calling in which his mercy found me, (if it be a lawful one,) is that in which, for the present, I am to abide, as the best for me. When it ceases to be so, I may depend upon him to appoint me another. But, until then, I desire to be contented with such things as I have, and to be thankful for them. He knows my frame, my feelings, my needs, and my trials; he permits, yes, invites me to cast all my cares upon him. He assures me that he cares for me, and therefore I only wish to do or to suffer according to his will today, and to leave the concerns of tomorrow in his hands. While I live-may I live for him! And when I die-may I go to him! May his grace be sufficient for me-and all shall be well."

Not much else needs be said!

Friday, April 6, 2012

a little piece of me 040612

A little piece of me…….  040612

I’ve shared this with a lot of folks but I want to get it “out there,” in the hope that the Lord will use it to strengthen you and close your ears to the lies Satan – and folks – have driven into your ears and hence into your heart.

In graduate school my first semester ended and the grades and class standing were listed.  I fought the desire to look for I knew it would be a disappointment.  Finally I had to look.
I was in shock.  There I was on the Dean’s List. – the good Dean’s List ;-}
I just knew this had to be a mistake.
I took the list off the board and went to the Dean’s office to show him the mistake.
He checked the records and told me there was no mistake; my GPA put me on the Dean’s List.
I didn’t believe him.
I put the list back on the board and walked away thinking that my professors had felt sorry for me and had given me grades I had not earned because they felt sorry for me.


Yep – you see I grew up being told loudly and clearly that I was stupid, clumsy and a sissy.  My father worked very hard to convince me of that and he was good at it.  By the time I got to graduate school I had proven (to my satisfaction) that I was neither a clutz nor a sissy.  But stupid was hanging’ in.

I was a slave to my father’s demands, judgments and condemnations.  I still saw me as he taught me to see me.

So what’s the point?

Well, before Christ let me know I was His I was a slave to the demands, judgments and condemnation of Satan – sin and my flesh.  They defined me – utterly.  One common theme in this is, “Not good enough!”  I wasn’t good enough if I didn’t go out drinking.  I wasn’t good enough if I didn’t do the macho-tough guy thing.  I wasn’t good enough if I wasn’t sexually promiscuous.  I wasn’t good enough if I didn’t keep up with my sinful companions in most if not all of their sinful activities.

This was a sinful, warped and twisted legalism I was caught up in and I don’t think it was unusual.  I HAD to be as good as if not better than any other sinner in my sinning.
So, in come Jesus and the Spirit.  I am convicted of my sin, convinced of my need for redemption and begin to seek to live a righteous life.

BOOM ---- “Not good enough!!!!!!”

Everywhere I looked I saw my sin – still!  In the word, in the fellowship, in the “you have to’s” of older believers – I was not good enough.

What pray tell was the problem?

Simple – I walked into the Kingdom of God laying aside sins but still carrying the legalism I had been taught while I was in darkness.  Then I had not been good enough for the world the flesh or the devil – now I wasn’t good enough for God.

Don’t thin for a moment that unbelievers are free.  They are not only under the judgment of the laws of God BUT the world-flesh-and devil have their own laws they expect their servants to obey.
Izod golf shirts, alligator belts with silver monogramed buckles, green Army fatigues and white Adidas tennis shoes.  If you didn’t have ‘em you weren’t good enough.  If you wore only one or two of these items you were a poser.

Alcohol, drugs, sex are all criteria by which the world-flesh and devil measure us while we are in the darkness.  Sitting here writing there are three females who must be convinced that to expose as much of their bodies as possible in public is a good thing.  (Yeah- I’m keeping my eyes on the keyboard!!!!!

See, Satan is the greatest legalist there is.  With him, in his kingdom (?) there is no mercy, no grace – just judgment and condemnation for not being as obedient to him-the flesh and the world as you can be.

And this legalistic thinking walks right into the Kingdom of God – the Kingdom of grace - with us.
After the first liberating joy of finding we are His we soon fall victim to this legalistic poison.  We realize that we are not in ourselves worthy.  We are not good enough.  Oh, we knew that at the moment we realized our redemption but the poison is still flows.

Somehow we’ve come to believe that doing battle with the flesh and the sin that remains is a bad thing and calls into question our salvation.  But it is this very battle that confirms our redemption and affirms our faith.  Why else would we notice much less fight unrighteousness?

Grace is an alien concept to us and regardless of our maturation in the faith it will probably always be alien.  We have NO well of knowledge from which to draw that enables us to be completely comfortable with grace.  Maybe this is how it is supposed to be.

But we do have a lifetime of experience with legalism and condemnation.  We well know the devastating effects, the insidious schemes, and the toxicity of legalism.  We must battle its influence constantly both in regards to our walk with Him and our lives in general.

I still battle thoughts of being stupid – not good enough – socially, financially, professionally and spiritually.  But I always – all ways – remind myself who it is that’s doing the measuring.  Socially, financially professionally it is the world, the flesh and the devil.  Spiritually it is my Redeemer the One who knew my need and met that need completely.  I am not nor will I ever be good enough to be Him.  But by His grace and because of His work he has made me good enough to be His and He keeps me there regardless.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

You gotta hate Your sin !! 040512

You’ve gotta HATE sin, YOUR sin !!!!!!  040512

It seems today that we have a much different view of sin than that of the Apostles.  For us sin is something “they” do and we have to battle against their doing it.
Now granted, Abortion, Sexual Preference, and criminal activity are sins we need to stand apart from but I’m afraid that we been distracted from the most important area of sin –  OURS

It is soooooo easy to look at our world and see sinful things and to work up a real head of steam about them.  BUT if this outwardness distracts us from our own sinfulness, the real battle, we are failing in a very serious way.

The writers of the epistles have a lot to say about the sinfulness of the world and about our being apart from it.  But where, pray tell me, are we directed to attack it?  Certainly we must deal with it inside the Body of Christ but outside????  Not so much!

The “world” is synonymous with “sin.”  We have to accept that.  We don’t and shouldn’t like it.  We shouldn’t support it.  We shouldn’t ignore it.  But our response to sin/world has got to be first and foremost the Gospel.  Only here and not in protests, petitions, etc. is the true power of God for righteousness found.

When, dear friend was the last time you enumerated all your sins for which God’s grace has provided redemption and forgiveness?  Not your “before Jesus” sins – those were normal.  Rather I speak of those sins that still hound you. 
Paul says to us:
Romans 7:15 For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. 16 Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. 17 So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. 18 For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.  

Hellooooo?  Did you read that slowly?  Note: “sin that dwells within me.”   Now, are we better, more committed, more faithful, more “spiritual” than Paul?  I think not.  And yet he makes it very clear that sin – sin in him – is still active and strongly so.

He goes on:
5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit 6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace 7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot.] 8 Those that are in the flesh cannot please God. 
 9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. 10 But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.
13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

Why do we refuse to focus on that struggle that is so central to our being faithful?  We have the Flesh and the Spirit which contend within us for our submission, our obedience.  Why, oh why do we focus on sin “out there,” when there is plenty “in me?”  How can we expect to be light in the world when we neglect the light within?

John Owen said that if we are not about the business of killing sin (in us) then sin will be killing us.  He was not speaking in terms of salvation but rather in terms of faithful effect.  If we, individually and collectively are not killing sin in our lives our witness is dead.

Jesus calls us on this.  We see the speck and ignore the log.  But He Himself commands us to be about the business of removing our log – never are we told to remove their specks.

I challenge you to find the scripture that mandates the hateful bullying we see so called believers taking part in.  I challenge you to find the scripture that mandates political action, civil disobedience, picketing and protests.  “Jesus loves you,” and “Baby Killer,” are not statements that should ever considered mutually edifying or glorifying to God.

Who are we to vilify anyONE?  Yes, we may state that this and that is a sin, wrong, whatever, according to our faith.  But where did we ever get the idea that we had the right to expect or demand Christian behavior from non-Christians?

Do you really think that we have any role in redeeming the world?  What pride!!  We are merely messengers of hope – of grace – of redemption.  We are not like the OT prophets who called out to God’s chosen nation to repent – that was then – this is us.  We are prophets of the Gospel – the promise.

Certainly we need to communicate Holy God vs. Sinful Men – God’s Judgment / God’s Grace.  But, we are never never never called to enact either His judgment or His wrath.  And yet we do – Oh we don’t  take the sinner out and stone them – but I know some believers who’d like to.
It seems that we want two things in an enemy.  We want an enemy with skin and we want an enemy who is “them.”  We want to be their enemy.

Well folks – I have an enemy with skin – “me.”

I wonder if what appears to be the weakness of the Gospel today isn’t in direct proportion to the failure of the Body of Christ to provide the world with a clear picture of what holiness and righteousness look like.  The “church” is known for benevolence, charity, etc. – but curiously she isn’t known for holiness and righteousness.  Oh, she is known for vilifying and condemning others – but not for holiness and righteousness.

As I close I just want to point out one thing.  When Paul writes:
(Rom 8:18) For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
He’s not right in the middle of a treatise on persecution.  He is right in the middle of calling us to battle – to battle with the flesh – with the sin dwelling in us.   

Later – this is really on my heart and mind –

Copyright, Michael Sanders, 2012
All rights reserved