Monday, August 6, 2012

When you need them - you REALLY need them

Hello - I was working in an article and got a notification from a comment from a friend about a post.  This guy was once my Pastor and is now what we would call a, demonologist.  Sound scary? Maybe a little weird?  Well it's not.

Mark, besides being a good Pastor and teacher also knows the dark side of life - life in Christ.  God walked him through what I can only think of as Mark's own, "valley of the shadow of death."  Through out Mark's journey God never took his hand off of him - and through that journey refined, informed and redirected him.

As God led Mark back into the light (the brighter light) Mark was convicted about the fascination people - especially believers - were developing in the "para-normal."  Disturbed and distressed about this Mark began to prayerfully investigate this "reality."

What resulted was a work titled, Seeing Ghosts Through God's Eyes.  What Mark has does in this work is to compare God's truth with what is being told, taught, offered, etc. by this recent trend.  

Now Mark isn't a "specialist" in demons.  I don't think there is such a thing.  But he is a well grounded student and teacher of God's truth.  What he has done is bring his knowledge of God's truth to the "para-normal" in order to offer believers sound guidance and instruction concerning the dangers of and truth about the "para-normal.".

In doing this Mark has gained hard won experience in dealing with these "para-normal" (read - demonic) incidents.  He has helped many folks who have ignorantly (no pejorative intended) gotten involved in this and now find themselves with a plethora of bad stuff.

"Ahhhhh, come one," you say. "that's all old stuff."  Yes, it is.  It's as old as the war in heaven, the rebellion of Satan and the Fall of Adam.  Unfortunately, because we blow this stuff off many are caught by it and suffer from it.

"Ahhhh," you say, "I don't believe in that stuff."  Well, I'd ask you this;  What else in the word of God don't you believe it?

OK - why the piece on Mark?  A well informed believer is a wise believer.  Mark does an excellent job of informing us about this demonic deception in his book.  He is also involved in ministering to people who are suffering from their involvement (however innocent and ignorant) in the para-normal.

So having said that I ask you to pray for Mark and his ministry.  He's out there serving in a place that few of us even want to acknowledge.  It's a messy and dangerous place and our prayers are definitely needed.  

Casper wasn't all that friendly and Banquo's ghost wasn't really there to help!

You can contact Mark through his website:

We can poo-poo all the para-normal TV shows and stories we want - until we or someone we know experience it. By that time things are definitely not good and we need someone who's got the knowledge, experience and the chops to come get us out.

Pray for Mark and his ministry.  Satan wants him to quit and the cultural church thinks he's nuts.  



FewClues said...

Thanks for standing with Mark. I've joined him as well. Hollywood has so distorted the truth about paranormal that it has become a fad almost.

I'm impressed with Mark's approach. I just bought the book.

mark hunnemann said...

My dear friend Michael,

I just read this and am speechless and tearful. Thank you for your very kind words. YOU have been the faithful teacher all these years--educating and equipping the sheep.I am humbled and happy...mark