Thursday, August 9, 2012

Walk with P & me 07

Walk with P & me  07

Note:  No, you haven’t missed anything.  The blogs are numbered as they are written and published as they are done.

When does a positive (kauchēsis; kow'-khay-sis), boasting , become (ἀλαζονεία; alazoneia,) a sinful boasting/self-confidence.

In 1 Cor. 7:4 Paul speaks his boasting of the of his “pride” in the Corinthian believers.  This is a good “pride.”
I am acting with great boldness toward you;
I have great pride in you; I am filled with comfort.
In all our affliction, I am overflowing with joy.
(2Co 7:4)

In I John 2:16 the apostle warns against “pride” – alazoneia.
For all that is in the world--the desires of the flesh
and the desires of the eyes a
and pride in possessions--is not from the Father but is from the world.
(I John 2:16)

Pride biblically is neutral.  Whether it is good or bad depends upon what it is rests upon.  Pride is confidence.  It’s what one’s confidence is in that makes pride either an asset or a sin.  To place our confidence in anything other than the providence of God is an arrogant pride.
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.
(Pro 11:2)

This verse speaks to pride misplaced or mis-sourced.  This “pride” is arrogance and presumption.
Yesterday I was listening to Alistair Begg via Truth for Life and he was talking about Paul’s admonition to believers to support their teachers:

Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain," and, "The laborer deserves his wages."   (1Ti 5:17-18)
I was curiously convicted by this.

I was convicted of having become prideful, presumptive and even arrogant.

For years I have been a “tent-maker.”  That simply means that I have worked to support myself and rarely accepted any kind of “support” from those I ministered to.  Now, that’s not a bad thing – that is until you begin to think it makes you special.

The reason I wanted to be a tent-maker was because it was being “like Paul.”  That is not a bad thing except that being “like Paul” can puff you up – and it does.

Not only that but doing well in the “tent-making” can make one think more of themselves than they ought.
But the real problem is that I began to see the tent-making as “mine” and the ministry as “His.”  Can you catch the subtleness of the sin there?  Simply put I was proud I was a tent-maker.  Actually, as I prayed and thought about it I discovered I had become arrogant about it.  I began so really think I was “self-supporting.”  Somehow I had slipped into that sin of pride.

Not only was there sinful pride involved but there was a failure to let others be a part of the work by helping Patti and support ourselves as we went about the work.  There was also a failure to allow myself to depend upon God working through others for the work to continue.

Well, let’s heap it on – There was also a sinful failure to be in a position to be accountable to those who were blessed by and supported the work.  Perhaps this is the root of it all.  I have been un-autonomous.  I have not honestly depended upon God or His people, which makes me wonder if my ministry has been somewhat of a sham.

So I am confessing to you and to Him that I know more of my heart than I did before.  It is not pretty.  I am humbled and if it takes out right humiliation to tattoo this on my mind and heart then I will accept that. 
Right now we have five people interested in the Us In Him, Sunday @ 6 fellowship.  The support of the work will be in His and their hands.  We will simply put it out there and allow Him to work.  I will continue to make tents but I know now that that is and always has been His.

One thing I would ask of those of you whom I have been allowed to serve.  Let me hear from you – I don’t want to assume anything about the work I have done and pray to do.  Your feedback, council, correction, encouragement would be a real blessing.  Write me at: 

Pray my repentance holds and that I grow from and in it.

God bless you!

Patti and Michael Sanders
2205 New Garden Rd.
# 2807
Greensboro, NC 27410

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