There was a discussion this morning during sharing time
about learning to trust God more. Of
course, being left-handed I was provoked by this idea.
What came to mind was that maybe it’s not so much a matter
of trusting God more but of trusting other things less.
There is nothing greater for which we can trust God than our
redemption. Everything after that should
be a cake walk. But it isn’t, is
it? Isn’t that, well, weird?
We have enough faith/trust to be saved and yet we struggle
trusting God for the minutia (minutia compared to eternity).
I know that I am learning that I put trust in a lot of
things other than God. It’s not fun to
learn this – at times it’s nauseating but it’s important learning. I find it awkward that it feels so bad to quit trusting
things other than God. It feels, well,
kind of scary.
How many times have we said or heard, “Put your trust in……”
or “I’m trust ……..?” Even more powerful
is, “I have faith in……….” or “Have a little faith………”
I was very convicted when I was doing a study of traditional
Jewish prayers. I discovered one that is
giving praise and thanks to God for the various “orifices” He has put in the
human body, “which if any one of them is closed off, we cannot live.”
Imagine, praising God and thanking Him for our “orifices.” I
know that must seem strange BUT it does show how intensely the writers of that
prayer recognized their dependence upon – need to trust in God.
Now, this isn’t a, “go beat-up on yourself,” thing. But it is a compassionately and gently
examine what you trust kind of thing. It
is something we all need to do, not as an exception but as a norm.
I know I’ve discovered a lot of “little idols,” in my life
that I never realized I had.
People, things, places, opportunities, even
wishes and dreams have drawn away trust that would have been better invested in
Him. It is a “deal” but let’s not make
it a soul crushing “BIG deal.” Just
withdraw your trust from “it” or “them” and give it Him.
Yes, trusting something or someone other than Him is a sin –
but it’s a forgiven one – right? Accept His
forgiveness and ask for the strength and insight to withdraw from and keep those
“little idols” out of your life.
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