Monday, September 17, 2012

Peter’s Pen 1st Peter 3:7

1Pe 3:7  Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.

Yeah, I know, six verses to wives and one for husbands.  And the verse to husbands doesn’t give any great detail.

Well guys, hang on to your hats – I’ve got a few things to say.

1.    Our wives, like Eve, are “helpers meet” for us.  OK – that means (as God is sovereign) that she’s our wife His will and we need them.  It was not good for Adam to be alone and it is not good for us either. (No, we’re not going to get into the “call” to singleness.)
2.    Our wives, like Eve, are under our care – our protection and our provision (all of which is under Him).  They are our responsibility – we are their under-shepherd.

3.    Our wives, like Eve, are being assaulted by the snake.  He still wants to deceive and confuse and misdirect.  We cannot be like Adam and just “be there.”  We have to take action – whether it’s direct or through prayer.  Do not be silent like Adam.

4.    Our wives, like Eve, are being told lies.  They are seductive  but perverse lies.  Every day in innumerable ways they are being told they are “not good enough.”  From their weight to their aging to the cereal they pick for the kids – they are being told they are failures.  Our (husbands’) voices have to over-ride the voices of the world the flesh and the devil.  We must sing the Song of Songs to our wives.

5.    Our wives, like Eve, are there to labor alongside us.  They (Adam and Eve) were given the care of the garden.  You may be the “head” of the household, but if you don’t know where the mustard is kept, you’re not a functional member of the household.
Let me comment on the phrase, “as with a weaker vessel (LITV).”

There is no getting around the fact that the word “weaker” carries a moral import.  Of all the possible definitions, I am inclined to the following: “By implication, meaning afflicted, distressed by oppression, calamity, and so forth.”  The reason is both practical and Biblical.  First, as I have listed above, the world, the flesh and the devil are in overdrive when it comes to women.  Second, since we are all under the grace and provision of God and God has demonstrated that He uses women for His glory, I have a hard time even considering that they are somehow less spiritually fit in Christ than men are.

I once thought of this:  “My wife is not a bucket, she’s an alabaster vase.”  The vase is by its nature less hardy than the bucket but it is of greater beauty and value.  Plus, you’d carry compost in a bucket but never in an alabaster vase.”

As husbands, we are commanded to be “showing honor” to this vessel – giving dignity to our wives.  You and I are commanded to live with our wives, “in an understanding way” (moral wisdom, such as is seen in right living).

“Understanding” = Knowledge - gnosis. Present and fragmentary knowledge as contrasted with epígnōsis, clear and exact knowledge which expresses a more thorough participation in the object or knowledge on the part of the knowledgeable subject.

Now, that is never going to just happen.  Our sinful default is selfishness.  We must take the time and make the effort to understand how she lives in the world, what her needs are and how we might bless her.  It has to be done on purpose!

The why is really simple – she’s your wife AND your sister in Christ.

The cost of not making every effort to obey?  Your prayers/worship will be cut off (hindered).

How can we do this?  I have no special words here.  Pray – study and ask her.  Determine in your heart that you want to obey and ask God to show you how to obey for her.  Formulas work in the lab and recipes work in the kitchen – but, your ministry to your wife will be as unique as she is.

Patti is hardly a “weaker” person than I am.  Emotionally and in many ways spiritually she is my better.  As I learned that, I have come to cherish it and cherish her.  I will be honest, I pray that we both go home to God together – one, because I’d miss her terribly and two, because I want to see her face when she gets there.  Silly – maybe – but it has greatly shaped my prayers and actions in regards to this most special gift God has honored me with.

Eph 5:25  Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,

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