Saturday, September 15, 2012

Peter’s Pen 1st Peter 3: 1-6

1Pe 3:1-6  Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives,  (2)  when they see your respectful and pure conduct.  (3)  Do not let your adorning be external--the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear--  (4)  but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.  (5)  For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands,  (6)  as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.

Ok, we could go on multiple bunny trails here.

But, ladies, please remember that since the fall, husbands have been sinful.  Look at Abraham – nice guy – right?  Just lets his wife be thought of as his sister so he can save his own skin – regardless of the cost to her.

But – do remember that God intervened for her.  Trust Him to do so for you. 
Having said that, let me add kind of a caveat.  Abuse is abuse is abuse.  Danger is danger is danger.  God calls us to be His but that does not include being someone’s punching bag.  Sometimes you have to leave – and take the kids and the cat with you!  It is NEVER an easy decision and it is one about which there should be prayer and godly counsel. 

Now – about verses 3 – 4.

Ladies – Victoria’s Secret is – well – sin.  Pretty clothes are nice.  Being attractive is nice, but let me ask you this,  What are you seeking to attract, how are you seeking to attract it and the biggy, why? 

You’re not going to get a lecture here.  You will get an invitation to pray and to join with other godly women and discuss this. 

Just before I sat down to write this I was outside Le’ bou and noticed someone running across the street.  I just turned and looked.  I wish I hadn’t.  It was a young lady in a very short skirt wearing a thong.  Yeah – the skirt was that short. 

First I repented – I’ve made a covenant with my eyes and I incautiously looked.  Then I wondered, “Why would a woman dress that way?”  No, I’m not that stupid.
Patti (my wife) has taught me a lot about what you ladies face.  The onslaught of media telling you that you’re not good enough – in a sickening variety of ways. 

One night a V’s Secret commercial came on and being the fastest man alive on the remote, I changed channels (Patti taught me that).  I then asked Patti why they thought women wanted to see underwear on TV (yeah, dumb me).  It was a rhetorical question but I still got, “the look.”

In my career, working with professionals, I have at times helped them select their clothing.  Yes, I’ve done that with men and women.  What blew my mind was if a male client wanted a white dress shirt, he had 3 maybe 4 choices of collar and cuffs.  For my female clients, there were at least 8 choices and sometimes more.  Many of my female clients actually started buying men’s dress shirts and having them tailored to save money and time.

Let’s just get to the point.  It’s the world, the flesh and the devil who are “selling” you this clap-trap. 

Peter calls you to an inner adorning – but that doesn’t preclude being dressed well or attractively.  It does preclude being dressed seductively – or barely dressed.

Patti and I have had numerous discussions concerning why guys ogle gals.  I know I was taught to.  Yeah – it was “cool” to be crude.  You did it because “that’s what guys do.”  That just makes it a prevalent sin – perhaps an epidemic.

Please be kind to guys.  The redeemed ones are struggling and the unredeemed are dangerous. 

More than that, honor yourself and honor God.  Modesty doesn’t mean high collars and drab colors.  It doesn’t mean floor length skirts.  It doesn’t mean extremes - it just means – well – modesty.

Now verse 4 can be troublesome – but I think the point is for women to not be troublesome (men as well of course).  Patti has a passionate spirit about some things and a gentle and quiet spirit about other things – yeah, she yells at the TV.  But a gentle and quiet spirit shouldn’t mean, “sit down and shut up.” 

But – I’m gonna stop here.  Although I’ve had the honor of counseling many women, I am not one – never been one – and so I don’t understand like one.

Let me say this.  Sisters, get together to pray and talk about this.  All my answers will be “off” by several degrees.  Come together as sisters in Christ and set your own limits and boundaries.  Talk and pray about “how” you can do this – not “how” someone who’s not walked in your high heels would tell you to do this.

I have to say, I’m glad I’m not a female.  Ever since Adam let Eve down, women have gotten the short end of most of the sticks.  But remember:

1Ti 2:14  and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.

Why remember that?  Because it is clear to me that Adam knew what he was doing and so sin entered the world.  He betrayed not only God but Eve as well.  She was his perfect match and he stood there and allowed her to be deceived – what a jerk.  Hmmmmm maybe men have inherited “being a jerk” along with sin.

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