Thursday, April 19, 2012

The world and Me 041920

". . . . for the world is at present in a might hurry, and being inmany places cast off from all foundations of steadiness, it makes the minds of men giddy with its revolutions, or disorderly in the expectation of them."

I think we can all identify with the above author's statement.  We would call it multitasking, information over-load even internet addiction.

What is curiously both comforting and concerning is that these words were penned by John Owen (1616-1683).

It is comforting in that, as Solomon wrote, there is nothing new under the sun.  It is concerning in that things are not getting better as much as they are getting busier.

As we have more we can do it seems we accomplish less.  As we gain access to more information it seems we know less.  For all our technological and other advancements we have lost touch with any "foundations of steadiness" we may have once known.

This is all too sadly the case with the church.

Working with what can best be described as "wild sheep" I am in a constant state of despair over how easily believes are mislead and misdirected by the latest and greatest gimick, gizmo and the gunk that is passed as biblical truth.  The simplicity of the Gospel and the clarity of sound doctrine are no longer enough.  Paul states it well;
2Ti 4:3-4  For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,  (4)  and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

People - believers and pretenders are not only tolerating but clamoring for more and more sensual experience in their walk.  It is not signs and wonders they seek for the most part but a means and opportunity to ignore the battle within - the flesh versus the Spirit.  They seek to have their flesh satisfied by and within the faith - something that cannot be done - ever.

From my observations there are even those who are faithful and sound except that they take great pride in not being worldly.  But their definition of worldly is sadly retarded.  Their pride in their anti this and pro that clearly reveals the remaining strength of their indwelling sin.  Whether they are anti-abortion or pro-life; anti public education or pro home-schooling; anti institutional church or pro home church; it is the pride we carry in this that gives question to our recognition and acceptance of the battle that rages within our souls.

Pride - is a hard thing to sanctified.  It always looks down.  It rarely kneels.  It hinders compassion, kindness and the love of Christ.  All too often i find that what makes me feel good about my walk with Christ contains a least a little of my feeling better than others.  That must not be.  It must be acknowledged and fought, killed even.

I wonder if, at its base, it is a denial or at least a minimizing of the sovereignty of God.  All the "graces" as the Puritans called them are only possible because God is sovereign.  Every good thing in my life (graces), what I think, do, say, etc. is utterly dependent upon the goodness and grace of a sovereign God.

I have to step away from Him if I would stand pridefully about anything in my life.  If every beat of my heart is utterly dependent upon His sovereign will then what of all that heart beat allows me to do, think, feel, know, etc.?

Perhaps we may consider the internet a new rendition of the Tower of Babel.  The speed and breadth with which we can have access to so much has dampened the effect of the confusion of languages.  We are now building an electronic tower with the thought that through it we can reach heaven.
Four hundred years ago John Owen looked at his world and saw ours.  it was not the technology but the cardiology he reflects on.  It was the condition of the hearts of men - believers or not - which he reflects upo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sheeple exhibit the results of careful mind control methods satan has always used. Don't dispute but create just a shadow of doubt and watch it grow.

I almost fell out of my chair when the History Channel showing a Time Ragazine about how we got the Bible actually used the dictionary to disprove a Scripture. REALLY!

The base problem is that sheeple turn to commentaries instead of the Word for clarification. Sheeple don't like study.