Thursday, January 3, 2013

Finger Thinking 010313 Doom and Gloom?

Finger Thinking 010313
Doom and Gloom

I have no problem with the "doom" thing.  He's got me covered on that.  But the "gloom" thing is another matter.

Maybe it's just me and our circumstances :-X  But I don't need any more worry than I develop all by myself.  How about you?

My situation - and that of some folks very dear to me - are bad and looking like (I said looking like) they are not going to get better - I conjure up the getting worse part without any encouragement - thank you very much.

So what do we do with the "gloom" part?

First - don't let it get it's hooks into you.  If He is in charge everything is really ok whether we feel it is or not.  It's very easy to get caught up in the "The sky is falling...," thing and once it has you it doesn't let go so easy.  Also keep in mind that "fear" sells and the more afraid I can make you the more I can sell you.

For me avoiding all the fear mongering is as much a part of resisting the devil and changing the channel when a V's Secret commercial comes on.  Remember the devil is a roaring lion and what he wants to do is get you to run from him right into the rest of the pride.  (It's the lionesses that do most of the killing).

Second - get your head in the Word - I don't much care where you start but get into it and get it into you.  Of course the Psalms are wonderful in helping us see that God works for His and that what we face is not new.

Third - pray (or maybe first ;-}).  Pray that you won't be distracted from Him and His work by all the hoopla and fear mongering.  Again, the Psalms - read them, pray them, sing them - they are good!!! 

Also dive into the book of Acts - there is real insight and assurance and comfort there.  If God got them through all they faced He'll get us through too.

Fourth - FELLOWSHIP ! ! !  It's about time the body began to take better care of itself instead of going to war with the culture.  "We" - believers - need to take a lesson from the book of Acts and start taking better care of one another.  That includes sharing our needs and fears and encouraging one another.  Isolation is a killer and it is definitely not "being one" as He prayered we would be.  To be alone in your fear and concern is about as smart as being locked in a room with a hungry lion - who do you think's going to leave the room?

We get together and pretend we'll all just fine and then we go home and it all crashes down.  Ok - so maybe it's just me (and some friends) that experiences that.  But any review of the "one anothers" in the Word should convict us that we've surrendered, refused, rejected, lost -- or something -- the "oneness" and all the encouragement and comfort that brings.  

I'm not talking "pity parties" but sound and safe gatherings where we can share and seek, seek and share TOGETHER about real specific things.  Why don't we do that?  who came up with the idea that any of "us" were ok without the rest of "us?"

I spent some time today with a dear friend discussing real issues that the "fear" factor is raising.  We didn't chew on the big scary things we're hearing and seeing.  But we did have a sound and encouraging conversaion about trusting God in the middle of whatever mess is coming. 

Yeah, we did some, "What will you do if," stuff.  We even got into standard, "had you been in Nazi Germany......," discussion.  But what was so wonderful is that we both abdicated our choices to Him and His will.  We worked hard on discerning the boundaries by which a believer is constrained.  For me it was a wonderful and powerful time of sharing and encouraging.  It really meant a lot.

When all is said and done we have to come back to the main and plain:

Proverbs 3:5-8 ESV
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. [6] In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. [7] Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. [8] It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.

Let us pray and consider how we might come together and encourage one another in this.  Let us pray and consider being not an institution but a body of believing men and women seeking to serve and submit to Him while we await His dispelling of the gloom.

We need one another.  He knew that.  He prayed for that.  Let's do that!

Anybody in Greensboro - or close by up for that?

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