Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sound bites from God ;-}

I've been reading Psalm 119 a lot recently and it suddenly came to my mind that I was reading them more like a long list of proverbs that one continuous Psalm.  No, I'm not coming up with some new theory on Psalm 119 but I find it interesting how some verses really speak to where I am and others, well, don't.  

I't kind of like "sound-bites" only inspired.  

Take  Psalm 119:49-50 ESV
Remember your word to your servant, in which you have made me hope. [50] This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.

I really love that passage and I find it gets my head and heart back on track when I am distracted or distressed.  But it is followed by:

Psalm 119:51 ESV
The insolent utterly deride me, but I do not turn away from your law.

Which does not, as far as I can tell, speak to my circumstances.  So there is kind of a "disconnect" in the flow of my reading.

Then the Psalmist writes:

Psalm 119:52 ESV
When I think of your rules from of old, I take comfort, O LORD.

Which gets my closer to sensing a flow.

Now, we can't be picking and choosing our verses willy-nilly.  We need the whole counsel of God.  However, sometimes it's not the "flow" of our reading that the Spirit desires to lay on our hearts but just a smidgen (small piece) of it.  

Having said that I would suggest, as came to mind, that the "insolent" who "utterly deride me" are always identifiable as the world the flesh and the devil.  So the "disconnect" is "spliced" back together.

All this is to merely suggest that when we are going to the Word we should not go looking for what we want as much as looking for what He/His Spirit knows we need.  Once our spirits are affected by a verse or two it will do us well to consider why that might be and how, even if it strains our brains, the verse before and after play a part in that.

We should be reading the Word in a studious manner but we may read it as a love letter as well.  Studying His word is work and we should all be about that as we are able.  But, I think that His Word should also be a "scavenger hunt" as well.

We should always feel free - even compelled - to go to His work to find His provision for our need.  Sometimes we may well be preparing some strong theological lesson - but other times we just need a - well - hug from His Word.  That's what I've learned from my reading of Psalm 119.  

I love the emphasis Alistair Begg makes of the "main and plain" things of scripture.  I have no problem believing that God is not playing hide and seek with us in His Word.  What He has for us, what He desires for us, what He desires from and of us is plain.  It may be in right in the middle of one of Paul's mighty theological statements but it is that one verse (not abusive of the context) that God desires us to have.

I got to this as I was looking through scripture concerning the promises of God.  That's how I stumbled upon Psalm 119:49&50.  and that;s how I started reading the whole Psalm.  But I still am encouraged and humbled and joyful when I read (actually remember) -

Psalm 119:49-50 ESV
Remember your word to your servant, in which you have made me hope. [50] This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.

This is my "sound-bite" that expands into comfort and encouragement as I struggle wait upon Him.  

Soooooo, don't go willy-nilly to the Word but go trusting Him to lead you to the main and plain Word that you need.

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