Sunday, September 9, 2012

Peter’s Pen 1st Peter 2:15

For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people.   (1Pe 2:15)

Doing good
the ignorance
of foolish people
this is the will of God

I didn’t include this with verses 13-14 on purpose, though it certainly can be applied there.  However, I think that it is important that we consider this verse apart from or rather in a broader application than just the civil government.

This, “doing good,” is specific to those in whom He lives.  For me, that makes it a good of eternal significance.  It’s not “just” good, it is very good.

But we have to ensure that the good we do is distinctly His good.  Not only do I mean that it is a good thing we are called to in the Word, but that it is a good thing in the Spirit as well.

I can do a lot of good things with unbelievers and that is a good thing.  But I am convicted that when I do these good things, He must be glorified – not obscured as my motive.  I have a problem with “stealth” good works.  Not good works where “I” am anonymous, but works in and for Him where He is anonymous.

I’ve been told that this obvious expression of motive can be offensive to those who are not believers – but – well – uhhhh.  What’s the point if He is not glorified - ?

Our good doings need to be seen as coming from Him – not us – Him.  Are we to put the light under a basket so people won’t have to squint at the light?

No – I’m not saying you obnoxiously push Him in their faces, but you do need to let it be known, somehow, that you are there because you are His.  We are to be known as His and our doings are to be known as His.

On the lite side:
I’m considering a lapel pin or hat that has “4X,” on it – “For Christ.”  I know some folks object to the “X” being used for Christ but it is a valid historical idea.  “X” is the first letter in the Greek Xristos (Christ).  I just think it would be a subtle question raiser.

Remember, it is our good behavior (doing and talking) that will silence those who do not know Him.  

Michael Sanders, Chaplain
Other writings and lessons on tc2v1 site.

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