Thursday, November 22, 2012

Examine yourself 112212

Examine yourselves ----

Are you "on board" with examining yourself?  It is quite clearly commanded in the Word and hence not some optional undertaking.

What would keep us from engaging in this command?

Do we fear we will find our faith to be false?  Then run to Christ in open and honest confession and need.

Do we fear we will find our faith ill-informed and or un-biblical?  Then run the the Word for clear and godly instruction.

Do we fear we will find our faith weak?  Then run to the duties and obligations of the faith which will strengthen it mightily.

Do we fear we will be overcome by our littleness in our faith?  Then run to the Spirit who is God's power in us for serving Him.

Do you not see that what ever the condition or quality of your faith it is none-the-less faith?  

Do you not know that be it but a mustard seed in comparison to others, it is enough to begin?

Do you not know that He knows well the condition of our faith and that His great desire is to strengthen, inform and use it?

Do you not know that nothing - not even a small and wavering faith which needs instruction, perhaps correction is enough to separate you from His love?

Have you not realized that Christ is not a cookie maker?  He does not spread the dough and simply stamp out identical cookies?  No!  As He knit you uniquely in your mother's womb so He would shape you and mold you as that unique creation the only same-ness being that we all be conformed to His likeness.

Has no one told you that you, weak faith, twisted faith, struggling faith - have a unique place and role in His will?  Has no-one told you that regardless and even perhaps because of your limitations, struggles, condition or circumstance you are no less His child even His servant in working out His will?

Have you not seen, in the very Word of God, that He takes all kinds and all conditions and makes then magnificent when they serve His purposes?  Do you not get the lesson that is there for you?

What have you to lose by self-examination except pride and sin and the distraction of baseless and fruitless worry?

Indeed, we have nothing to lose in self-examination except that which has hindered our confidence and comfort until now.  And could that be a bad thing?

Oh but you say, "I am a weak child of God!"  "I am a lazy child of God!"  I am an ignorant child of God!"  I am a blind, lame, depressed, bi-polar even schizophrenic child of God!" "I am an unworthy child of God!"

Let me ask you, "What part of child of God isn't good enough?"

There is the "faithful" child of God and the "unfaithful" child of God.  The only difference is dependent focus.  The faithful child of God dependently focuses on God and what pleases Him.  The "unfaithful" child of God focuses on themselves and others.  But - both are children of God.  Once His child - the choice is yours.  He paid the price for you to be made His child - don't let the small cost of living as His child cripple or hinder you.

Do not let your doubts about your salvation worry you overmuch.  If you do they will paralize you and keep you from making use of His great provision for your confidence and comfort.  Feelings are not facts - they are our responce/reaction to things.  What "so called" fact has wounded your confidence and stolen your comfort?  It is either God calling you to your next adventure in Him or it is Satan up to his old distractions and traps.

The "proof" of our faith is indeed in the pudding.  It is in the practice of the dutied and obligations of the faith that our faith and hence our confidence and comfort grows.  As we grow - it all grows.  But to grow we must be fed (by the Word) exercised (by the duties and obligations) and guided (by the Spirit).  which of these is missing in your life?  Reclaim is and use it!!

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