Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Ho Ho!

Of course we're at the 'Bou - with a couple of the staff ---  Foggy - dreary day - shopping center empty - just a few folks in the place.  All in all it's a lonely type day - a good day for reflection and even prayer (of course that's good all the time).

So many folks have noone this time of year - and it's sad.  So many have lots of folks around them right now - yet the still feel that deep deep loneliness.  Perhaps it's all the hype around the day - Perhaps we've built in so many unrealistic expectations that, well, some of us just can't rise that high.

The really sad thing (historical facts aside) is that the day is not intended to celebrate or raise expectations but rather a promise fulfilled.  It is the day we remembeer Christ coming into the world - the beginning of the final Act of God's redemptive plan. 

Maybe it ought to be a more reflective and humbling day -a day of remembering all this one birth meant. 

Maybe we ought to not require anyone to do anything more than just be themselves on this day and talk about the whys and wherefores --

Maybe we ought to just consider Him  - just Him without all the hooplah and expectations.

I guess, all historical and biblical reasons aside, that I don't to the typical Xmas thing is becasue I know that every moment of this day (not to mention the season) is a real hell for lots of people - and I can't gather them together and let them know it's OK to NOT DO Xmas.

For all the loney sheep out there - you are not forgotten - we are lifting you up in prayer throughout the day.  We pray for your healing, comfort and safety.  It's is OK that you're not "doing" Xmas like everyone else - in fact, it mught be better for you!

God bless you and keep you all on this day and all days - until He comes again.

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