Friday, August 31, 2012

Peter’s Pen 1st Peter 1:20-21

1Pe 1:20-21  He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you  (21)  who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

It’s easy to read a verse like this and kind of say, “Yeah, duh,” but we do really need to read it slowly and carefully.

Breaking it down can help (as with many other verses).
(20) He was foreknown before the foundation of the world
but was made manifest in the last times
for the sake of you
(21)  who through him
are believers in
 who raised him from the dead
and gave him glory,
so that
your faith and hope
are in God.
This verse sweeps away any confusion about who is in control of our redemption.  It makes it clear what the source of our faith is and nails not only why but how we have faith in God.

We always need to get very tired of laying the responsibility of our redemption on our own shoulders.  When we do, we are crushed.  But when we accept that all of it is of God – not only its beginning but its final result as well - we are free to praise and free to obey.
Oh what wonderful grace and mercy God has bestowed, is bestowing and will still bestow on those and through those for whom He made His Son the manifest Redeemer and Redemption.

As the lyrics to a great song says:
If I stand let me stand on the promise that You will see me through.
And, if I fall let me fall on the grace that first brought me to You.

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