Monday, August 27, 2012

Thanking Him for You

Greetings in the name of our Redeemer!

Writing a blog is a lot like casting bread upon the water - where it goes and what it does - only He knows.  But although I don't know most of you who read the Sheepdog, I'm trusting Him that it is of benefit to you, a blessing.  I just wanted to say thank you for your interest and I pray for you by city (that's all I know of you).  Never hesitate to drop me a note if you have a question or issue.  I'm not a "theologian" nor would I ever compare myself to the wonderful "Bible-scholars" I studied under.  But I am, like you, a follower and servant of the Master and I will prayerfully attempt to help you.

A friend commented that my blog could get "awfully personal" and they are right.  I have no way of knowing what God is doing in your life - I just hope and pray that what He is doing in Patti's and my life might holds encouragement and blessing for you.

Our prayers - though needfully vague are with you all.

In Him, your servants,
Patti and Michael

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